Fatal Nova Scotia Crash Nets Drunk Driver $700 Fine
A judge has fined a Nova Scotia man $700 for driving drunk last spring in an incident that killed his best friend. Jonathan Savoy initially faced four charges, which included impaired driving causing the death of his friend, David MacDonald.
The more serious charge was dropped in a plea bargain deal that involved Savoy pleading guilty to impaired driving, taking a car without permission and driving while suspended.
Susan MacAskill of Mothers Against Drunk Driving said she was appalled with the judge’s decision.
“Somebody’s dead and nobody seems to be held responsible…”
In 2004, it was estimated that 3,013 individuals were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Canada. MADD Canada estimates that at a minimum 1,157 of these fatalities involved impaired driving. Further, MADD Canada estimates that approximately 68,245 individuals were injured in impaired driving crashes (187 per day).
A $700.00 fine for a drunk driving crash that killed someone. Appalling doesn’t begin to describe the situation. It appears I am not the only one that shares that opinion.
If you are looking for a Nova Scotia personal injury lawyer you can contact me to get a free copy of my book, The Consumer’s Guide to Car Accident Claims in Nova Scotia. I have been representing people who have suffered serious injuries for more than 18 years. For more information you can contact me through this blog or by calling toll free at 1-877-423-2050.