Halifax Personal Injury Lawyer Blog

What is a “Discovery”? Halifax Personal Injury Lawyer Explains

The Discovery Process

One of the most important steps in any personally injury claim is the oral discovery. If you file a lawsuit for compensation for personal injuries you will be required to testify about your knowledge of the event that lead to the lawsuit and your knowledge of the injuries that you have suffered.

In other words; what happened? How badly were you injured? How have the injuries effected your life?

A discovery is basically a question and answer session where you swear (or affirm) to tell the truth. The question and answer session is recorded by a court reporter who will type up a transcript of all the questions and answers. That transcript can be used later in court.

Since more than 90% of civil lawsuits settle before trial, the oral discovery is probably the most important step in the litigation process. As the name implies, the discovery process allows each side to “discover” all there is to know about the other side’s case. Each side gets a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their claim and their opponents claim. They are able to judge how the plaintiff and defendant will appear if they have to testify in court.

In short, the discovery process provides a “dry run” for how the witness will testify at trial.

Before your discovery your lawyer will meet with you to prepare you for the discovery. I have prepared a report for all of my clients who are getting ready for discovery so that they can read it at their leisure and we can discuss any questions that they have. If you would like a copy, feel free to contact me through this blog.

I have been representing victims of serious personal injuries for 18 years. I wrote The Consumers Guide to Car Accident Claims in Nova Scotia and The Consumers Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims in Canada to help injured victims get fair compensation.

Both books are available for sale on Amazon.

But if you live in Atlantic Canada, you can get a free copy of either the book by contacting me through this blog, visiting my website at www.apmlawyers.com or by calling me toll free in Atlantic Canada at 1-877-423-2050.

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