Nova Scotia Motor Cycle Injury Claims – Helmets Reduce Spinal Cord Injuries
Nova Scotia has had a mandatory helmet law for motorcycles (and bicycles) for many years. But there are some jurisdictions in the United States (Florida and Texas for example) where motorcycle helmets are not required.
There are “mountains” of studies that prove that helmets reduce the risk of death and brain injury after a motorcycle accident. But opponents to mandatory helmet laws have claimed for some time that helmets increase the risk of spinal injury because of the torsion laced on the neck by a heavy helmet.
But a recent research study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, shows that helmeted riders were 22 percent less likely to suffer cervical spine injury than those without helmets. The study reviewed and mined the National Trauma Databank, looking through information on more than 40,000 motorcycle collisions between 2002 and 2006.
Hopefully this study will finally put this silly argument to rest. There is no legitimate reason not to wear a motorcycle helmet.
The “wind in my hair” advocates claim they are the only ones at risk if they chose not to wear a helmet. But every single one of us has to bear the medical and healthcare costs that serious brain injuries and spinal cord injuries place on our already overburdened health care system.
What do you think?