Category: Kids and Cars Canada

Child Safety: Passerby Rescues Toddler in Sun Baked Car – Kids and Cars Canada

by John McKiggan

Yesterday I was interviewed as Chair of – Canada, about the dangers of leaving children in cars during the hot summer months: A Hot Weekend Reminder for Parents

I have posted before about the dangers posed to children when they are left in cars. See for example: Child Safety: Sunny Days and Kids in Cars

On a sunny 25 degree day the temperature inside a locked car can rise to more than 100 degress in less than 5 minutes.

Child Safety: Sunny Days and Kids in Cars

by John McKiggan

Yesterday was the first sunny day we have had in what seems like months. I actually had to roll the windows down in my car driving home it was so hot.

By coincidence, Kids and Cars sent me a public service announcement yesterday reminding car owners of the dangers of leaving children unattended in cars.

So that’s probably why this story Child in car on hot day: What was mom thinking? caught my attention today. Fortunately the child in this story wasn’t hurt. But things could easily have turned out differently. Tragically so.

Child Safety: N.S. to reduce speed limits in school zones – Kids and Cars Canada

by John McKiggan

The Department of Transportation has announced plans to introduce legislation this fall to reduce speed limits in school zones from 50 km/h to 30 km/h.

The goal of the new limits is to protect students and make roads safer.

Bill Estabrooks, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal stated: